速報APP / 生產應用 / Litely - Light Phone Launcher

Litely - Light Phone Launcher





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Veena Nagar, Sukhliya, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Litely - Light Phone Launcher(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to Litely, a minimal collection of computer instructions that tells to be lite as possible.

All you need to do is, let the Litely handles your phone not the phone handles you.

Litely - Light Phone Launcher(圖2)-速報App

"Litely" is same as all his brother and sister application launchers available in the world but with some twist, and with a focus to let the user more productive and lite instead of clicking and scrolling through the phone.

Currently, Litely comes with features (yeah I know there is no feature, but these are a feature for a better life) like,

Litely - Light Phone Launcher(圖3)-速報App

# Litely, only 5 applications are available on Home Screen, there is no junk of applications for distractions. Of course, you can change these home applications with your chosen once, if don't to be lite.

# Tasks, a feature that lets you remember the things that matter most in your life.

Litely - Light Phone Launcher(圖4)-速報App

# Bunch of themes :D. If you bored with black and white colors you can choose any color that suits your mood.

Litely - Light Phone Launcher(圖5)-速報App

Be always loyal to Litely and then you can spend your time with your friends and family and the people that matter, rather than a collection of junk computer instructions.

If you really get bored with Litely and want to cheat, then you can also turn-off lite mode in the settings menu. To access the application drawer.

Litely - Light Phone Launcher(圖6)-速報App

Many things coming soon...

That's all from Litely,

Litely - Light Phone Launcher(圖7)-速報App

May the Litely be with you always :D

Litely - Light Phone Launcher(圖8)-速報App